Embryo transfer is a great tool to maximise the breeding potential of an elite female. She may produce more calves in her first year of ET than she would have in a lifetime of natural breeding. As a result her contribution to genetic gain across the herd skyrockets. However, not all cattle operations and/or cattlemen are suited for embryo transfer programmes for various reasons. Let Telpara Hills help.
Telpara Hills is uniquely suited to run successful ET programs with high conception and pregnancy rates. Our experience in donor management and ability to artificially inseminate make our family well qualified to conduct programs for clients. The location and climate of Telpara Hills’ environment make year-round flushing possible, which is a rare capability.
We run outside embryo donor females alongside our own, flushing embryos multiple times a year with the help of Ced Wise Artificial Breeding Services. Telpara Hills is also AQIS approved for exportation of embryos to various countries around the globe.
Make sure to talk to us about this possibility to maximise your heifer’s potential.