The great cow families usually start with a very special donor. The 15 cow family gets its name from the great Miss Brinks Cadence 468G15. Her influence was so great that we split her line away from the other 468 cow family animals.
Often just referred to as "G15" the mention of this old cow invokes fond memories of when she was a superstar of the famous Camp Cooley Ranch in Texas during its pinnacle era in the early 2000s. She was the kind of cow that got the balance right of show style, but with lots of fertility and functionality. She has 137 direct calves registered in the USA Brangus database to date. Famous AI sires from this line include SCC Dealmaker 468W40 and Lombardi of Brinks 468N10.
We purchased and imported embryos from her daughters, Miss Brinks Uppercut 468N, Ms Brinks Lead Gun 468S64, and Ms Brinks BS 607L11 468S78. Although they are technically 468s too, they are only distantly related to our other 468 Cow Family and we started naming their progeny as 15s.
Attractive is the first word that comes to mind for the Telpara Hills 15 Cow Family. Although not as numerous (yet) as other families, both males and females always catch your eye.
Most notably, Telpara Hills Miss Van Damme 15M3 sold for a record-smashing $60,000 to Troy Mitchell of Theg Brangus, and Telpara Hills Ms Real Deal 15K sold privately for $45,000 to Green Acres Brangus, showing the bright future of this up-and-coming cow family.